Sunday, March 29, 2009

Will Someone Please Explain How Condoms Work to Pope Benedict

In the blog post "With 'no condoms' stance, Pope molests Africa," in The Smirking Chimp, Theo Talcott explains his opinion on the controversy of Pope Benedict's recent assertions that using condoms does not prevent and even worsens the spread of HIV. The author has a secular and liberal perspective on the subject. This is illustrated by the statement, "The Catholic Church is unhealthy about sexual issues and needs to stop screwing up public policy." His claim is that the Catholic Church is wrong and should adopt a more socially responsible stance on birth control.
The article does not provide hard facts or statistics to support his claim, but does provide empirical evidence on the benefits of using birth control. This is shown by the author's statement, "An unscientific willful ignorance is the enemy of a sustainable world civilization."
Mr. Talcott provides the Catholic Church's stance on birth control, then explains the underlying reason for this, and then states the risks associated with the Pope's actions. His logic is simple and to the point. He describes the dire consequences of the Catholic Church's position and goes on to explain the benefits of using condoms.
I agree with the author's sentiments. Birth control and AIDS awareness are a priority for the global community and should be adopted by the Catholic Church.
The target audience is the Catholic community. This becomes apparent when the author addresses them by writing, "Dear Catholic friends, I apologize for mocking things you hold sacred."
I believe the author's statements are dependable. He describes widely shared opinions. However, as a blogger his credibility is not rock solid. He is relegated to the status of a blogger without journalistic credentials. Therefore, the content of his posting, though intelligent and logical, cannot be considered fully reliable by mainstream media standards.

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Austin, TX, United States
I'm a returning student at ACC Austin with intent to transfer to St. Edwards. I'm a liberal democrat, and have been voting since the first Clinton term. I'm taking U.S. Government to broaden my scope on American politics. I hope to learn in detail how the system works and what I can do personally to affect change.