Saturday, March 28, 2009

     In Peter Scoblic's editorial for NPR "Obama's Foreign Policy isn't Bush Part 2," he attempts to differentiate between Obama's and Bush's respective foreign policies.  Mr. Scoblic is defending Obama from critics who claim there is little difference between the two.  He draws comparisons between the ideologies of Bush and Obama; he believes that Bush had an us versus them attitude and Obama is taking a more diplomatic approach.  He illustrates this point by saying "Bush and the conservatives around him believed that the world was divided into good and evil," and also by quoting President Obama as saying "In words and deeds, we are showing the world that a new era of engagement has begun."  I agree with the author's arguments.  Aside from the evidence provided in the article, I believe it is common knowledge that Obama is interested in employing diplomacy instead of deploying troops.    

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Austin, TX, United States
I'm a returning student at ACC Austin with intent to transfer to St. Edwards. I'm a liberal democrat, and have been voting since the first Clinton term. I'm taking U.S. Government to broaden my scope on American politics. I hope to learn in detail how the system works and what I can do personally to affect change.