Friday, May 15, 2009

NRA (No Rifles Automatic)

In response to "The NRA Takes its Safety Off" authored by Shannon, I have to disagree with most of the statements made therein. Although, I do agree with the Constitutional right to bear arms, i don't believe it should include assault rifles. There is no justifiable reason for Americans to own an SKS or an Uzi. These weapons are designed for war, not protection or hunting. By allowing these weapons to be bought and sold we are not only endangering American and Mexican civilians we are contributing to the companies who build and distribute these weapons and who benefit from war profiteering and gang violence. President Eisenhower, upon leaving office, warned against the dangers of the military-industrial complex. Americans have not heeded this warning. As a result gangs, feuding tribes, and warlords have run amok causing millions of deaths and immeasurable civil strife.  
The United States consumes most of the drugs made and transported by the Mexican drug cartels. Because we are the recipients of these drugs and the nation that has declared a war on drugs we bear a great responsibility for the curtailing of their manufacture and distribution. Mexico needs our help. They have been under much pressure by American agencies to deal with this problem. However, they have received little in the way of help. The drug-related violence along the U.S./Mexico border is a huge problem and cannot be corrected by building a wall or increasing border patrol. The systemic issues must be addressed, including the distribution of assault rifles. Also the virtues of drug awareness must be instilled in children and adults on both sides of the border. This can be done by utilizing the resources of schools, public offices, and the media. Education is the ticket to real success for potential drug abusers, gun runners, gang members, and anyone tempted to get involved with the illegal drug trade. The U.S. has the means to fix this problem and we should act in accord with Mexico to alleviate the epidemic of violence on the basis of our common principles.  
In conclusion, America has much to gain from gun control, including safer schools, public buildings, streets, and neighborhoods as well as safer borders. A safer society should be paramount to the U.S. citizenry and its' borders should be no exception. Besides, what's the benefit of having a citizenry armed to the teeth, especially when our children, brothers and sisters and our Mexican brethren are suffering the consequences?

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Austin, TX, United States
I'm a returning student at ACC Austin with intent to transfer to St. Edwards. I'm a liberal democrat, and have been voting since the first Clinton term. I'm taking U.S. Government to broaden my scope on American politics. I hope to learn in detail how the system works and what I can do personally to affect change.