Friday, April 24, 2009

Response to Stem Cell Battle

In her blog entry, "Stem Cell Battle", Shannon argues in favor of stem cell research. The author believes that the states should accept and distribute government funding and adjust their policies to allow research facilities to operate. She makes a logical argument when comparing stem cell research to organ donation. The author also makes a moral argument when asking the rhetorical question, "How is it humane to deny patients to have a better life and potentially keep others from developing life altering diseases?" Also, she disputes the position of the Christian Right on stem cell research when stating, "The embryo hasn't developed any particular organ yet, but they say it has a soul."
My views on this subject are concurrent with the author's. When people let their dogma inhibit the progress of science and medicine they are doing a disservice to their fellow man.
The author uses well formulated arguments supported by common facts and a well-informed opinion to convey her position in this opinion piece.

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Austin, TX, United States
I'm a returning student at ACC Austin with intent to transfer to St. Edwards. I'm a liberal democrat, and have been voting since the first Clinton term. I'm taking U.S. Government to broaden my scope on American politics. I hope to learn in detail how the system works and what I can do personally to affect change.